Showcasing Original Mesh for the Adults.
From the team of FaMESHed, we would like to present to you FaMESHed X: A bi-monthly adult event. This event will run every February, April, June, August, October & December, from the 10th till the 10th of the following month. Unlike our other events, this event will open at midday / 12:00pm SLT.
This event is ran and owned by Elvi Peppermint, all queries are to be sent to her in-world via notecard.
FaMESHed X is an original mesh event, the same rules apply to this event as like it does in the original FaMESHed event. Except, every quarter we just turn off the lights.
FaMESHed was originally founded in May 2012 by Cracked Mirror.
Every February, April, June, August, October & December on the 10th.

Elvi Hartley
OwnerElviraMidnight Resident

Grace Sixpence
Lawrence D Pryce
Blogger ManagerLawrenceD Resident

Livvy Fhang
Shyntylene Lauria
Anashara Resident